Olney Lions Club Secretarial Duties
The following describes the duties of the Secretary of the Olney Lions Club
Membership changes -- use the LCI Portal to make any membership changes.
- New Member
- Get the member's application into electronic form. If it does not come to you electronically, scan it or take a picture. Save it into the NewMemberForms folder in the OlneyLions folder
- Use the LCI Portal to enter the information about the new member.
- Add the member's information to the latest club roster spreadsheet from the Roster folder and save it under a new name.
- Add the member's email address to the latest email list spreadsheet from the Emaillists folder and save it under a new name.
- Send both updated spreadsheets to the web master and ask him/her to add the name to the names on the homepage tab.
- Email the member, welcoming them to the club and asking what name they want on their name tag. This also verifies their email address
- Send email to [email protected] asking for a name tag. You will have to provide a credit card number to pay for it, when you get the invoice, send it to the treasurer for reimbursement.
- Remove Member
- Remove the member from the latest Roster and Email spreadsheets, save them under a new name and send them to the web master. Also have him/her remove the person's name from the names on the homepage tab.
- Use the Portal to delete the member.
Minutes -- Write the minutes and distribute them to the board members for comment. Make any necessary changes and send them to all board members before the next meeting.
BOD changes
- As soon as a new board is chosen (usually in April), enter then as "next year's members" through the Portal.
- After the "election" in June, update the latest board email list in the BODemail.names folder, save it under a new name. Send a copy of that and the latest board members and positions to the web master.
- If the board membership changes, update both documents and send them to the web master
- Report delegates to the MD LCI Convention to the District Secretary by April 15th, you will get email from that person beforehand.
Email to the club is sent to [email protected], the password is in a Web Site, Facebook and Email link on the Members Page
- When you become Secretary, change the email forwarding address too your email address
- When you get email, forward it to the appropriate member. Most of it for medical equipment and goes to the medical equipment coordinator.